WE ARE WATER: Reinventing Water Sustainability with Exponential Innovation and Why We Must Hack the Drought

Imagine a future where droughts have been hacked, where drought — as a concept — is a non-issue. The entire concept of a drought, has been hacked. It doesn’t even exist in our language in the future; it will be a forgotten word. This is what I want and its what we all want. Water is life, it’s flow is our main lifesource.

Grace & Glory: The Story of Peace, Tolerance, and the Promise of Olympic eSports

If only we could parlay this narrative into our everyday existence. Imagine if this magic could live with us on a daily basis, showing humanity rising above and beyond itself in universal Olympic values — basking in such values. Teaching these values to kids and parents everywhere, everyday and in every way; striving to be our best representations of ourselves. Being love in action.

Innovate or Die: Lessons Learned from Silicon Valley’s Global Innovation Summit

We are living in the age of creative destruction, and it makes sense that everyone is looking to INNOVATION as the savior of economic growth. Why? It’s simple. These are transformative times in our global economy and our global culture, and with the rise of digitization and the democratization of the means of production and consumption — the choice is to Innovate and Thrive, or Not to Innovate; and Die. Therefore I say, “INNOVATE, or DIE!”

Product Market Fit Canvas 1.0 — Become a Co-Creator Now!

The more great people we have collaborating on this, the more beneficial, practical, and valuable the Product-Market-Fit Canvas will be.

Firms of Tomorrowland Race to Reinvent Themselves by Manufacturing Disruptive Innovation

The most competitive firms of tomorrowland should already be manufacturing disruptive innovation in a race to reinvent themselves. Boards and CEOs are realizing, some faster than others, that the Millennial Kids Growing Up now will completely transform how the World operates, including how we live and work within it.